IVF Treatment Cost in Delhi - Dr Rhythm Gupta - Excel IVF

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

What is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)?

IVF treatment (In vitro fertilization) is an assisted reproductive technology (ART), a kind of infertility treatment that helps infertile couples achieve parenthood. In Vitro means outside the body. During the process of IVF, numerous eggs are made in a female body by hormonal injections, they are then retrieved from the ovaries and fertilised (fused) with sperms from male semen ejaculated sample in laboratory settings. This creates embryos, the first stage of human life, which are then grown and nourished in an incubator. Then one or two healthy looking embryos are selected and transferred in the womb of the woman hoping for attachment and pregnancy. IVF treatment is an answer to numerous conditions both in men and women which can cause infertility and also the treatment of choice when simple methods have failed.

Why is IVF Treatment Done?

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is the most effective and sometimes first line treatment for couples not getting pregnant naturally. It is indicated in:

  • Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tubes:
  • Male Factor Infertility
  • Advanced Maternal Age
  • Failed repeated IUI treatment cycles
  • Endometriosis
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
  • Single Parents or Same-Sex Couples
  • Preservation of Fertility

What is the procedure of IVF Treatment?

The procedure of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves various steps: 

  • Administration of hormonal injections to produce multiple eggs in the ovaries. The ovaries contain follicles, visible on the ultrasound, which under the effect of these injections get stimulated to contain eggs. The growth of follicles is done by follicle monitoring ultrasound and hormonal blood tests.
  • Egg Retrieval: These follicles contain fluid with eggs floating in them. They are then aspirated under anesthesia. The same day the male partner provides the semen sample.
  • Fertilization in IVF: The semen sample is prepared and each egg is incubated with numerous sperms for the best one to fertilized and fuse with it in a dish resulting in formation of embryos
  • Embryo Transfer: The formed embryos are grown in the lab for a few days and the healthy looking ones are chosen to be put in the uterus of the woman by ultrasound guidance through vagina in a catheter.
  • Post Embryo transfer: Some medications and instructions are given to help in achieving a pregnancy. Pregnancy test can be taken after 10-12 days
IVF Treatment in Delhi

Do’s & Don’ts of IVF Treatment


  • Find the best IVF doctor who is well qualified and experienced to be able to understand your specific case and tailor treatment according to you
  • Understand the process and stick to appointments
  • Take all prescribed medicines diligently
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise.
  • Mentally be prepared for the ups and down of the IVF process.
  • Follow all instructions specially about timing, dose of medicines and pre procedure special instructions
  • Be positive and hopeful throughout the process.


  • Don’t Keep your doubts to yourself, get them clarified. This would decrease your stress and help in trust building and transparency.
  • Don’t Miss your medicines and don’t self medicate. Avoid using alternative and adjuvant therapies without consulting your doctor.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol, smoking, illicit drugs.
  • Too much unaccustomed and strenuous exercise can negatively affect chances of IVF success.
  • Don’t let stress overwhelm you, try to meditate and seek emotional support when needed.
  • Don’t loose hope if IVF doesn’t succeed in the first attempt.

It is important to understand that every case is unique, and a personalized treatment protocol designed by us may have specific do’s and don’ts for you to follow.

What is the IVF Treatment Cost?

IVF treatment cost can vary between ₹ 1,40,000 to ₹ 1,50,000 depending upon the type of medications used, type of IVF treatment needed, use of self or donor gametes, any added lab procedures. At Excel IVF the basic IVF-ICSI treatment cycle ( ₹ 1,40,000) would include the consultations, ultrasound follicle monitoring, hormonal tests during IVF, egg retrieval charges, embryo formation ( IVF or ICSI) and embryo transfer procedure cost. ICSI treatment cost is included in the package, for best IVF results depending upon the patient history and gamete quality IVF or ICSI is decided. Use of donor egg or sperm, freezing of surplus embryos, use of additional sperm selection or embryo selection techniques, embryo biopsy for Pre Implantation genetic testing and special injections for poor reserve are charged separately.

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How to Prepare for IVF Treatment?

IVF process is complex and to prepare for it a couple should:

  • Consult an expert IVF specialist to find out if IVF is the right treatment for them.
  • Choose the best IVF center.
  • Understand the IVF process in detail and clarify all doubts.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Take the medication on time as prescribed
  • Plan finances: Explore insurance coverage and potential financial assistance programs.
  • Manage time to accommodate multiple visits to the center for monitoring and procedure
  • Follow pre procedure instructions: Egg retrieval and Embryo transfer
  • Follow post-transfer care instructions
  • Keep patience and stay positive, seek emotional support if need be, mentally prepare yourself for any possible outcome

What is the IVF success rate?

The success rate of IVF can vary depending on several factors, including the woman’s age, the specific factors causing infertility, lab conditions and used injections and media for growing eggs and embryos respectively.

1- Age:

  • Women under 35: IVF success rates ranging from 40% to 50% or even higher
  • Women aged 35 to 37: IVF success rates around 30% to 40% per IVF cycle.
  • Women aged 38 to 40: IVF success rates continue to decrease as women age, and the success rates are typically around 20% to 30% per IVF cycle.
  • Women over 40: IVF for women over 40 years has significantly lower success rates of around 10% to 20% 


2- Factor of Infertility:

  • Ovarian reserve: Women with a reduced ovarian reserve (lower number of eggs or lower quality eggs indicated by low AMH) have poorer outcomes with IVF.
  • Male factor infertility: low sperm count or poor sperm motility or higher DNA damage and sperm from testicles can affect IVF success rates.
  • Tubal factor infertility: IVF has good outcome in blocked tubes but untreated water collection in tubes (hydrosalpinx) can cause reduction in pregnancy chances to half.
  • Uterine abnormalities: Large fibroids, adenomyosis, polyps, uterine malformations negatively affect the IVF success rate.
  • Previous pregnancy history: Women who have had successful pregnancies before have better IVF success rates compared to those who haven’t.

It is best that you meet our IVF specialist to discuss and see if there were any failed IVF reasons and any modification from the previous cycle can lead to a better outcome.

What are the side effects of IVF treatment?

IVF is a relatively safe procedure due to advancements in anesthesia and hormonal injection quality. But rarely following risks can be associated with it

  • Multiple pregnancy (Twins, Triplets etc) : Can be managed by reducing the number of embryos transferred.
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: Sometimes ovaries hyper react to hormonal injections especially in women with PCOS which can cause bloating, fluid collection in tummy and pelvis
  • Ectopic Pregnancy: When the transferred embryo accidentally attaches to tubes and other organs instead of the womb
  • Mood changes, bloating, constipation because of fertility medicines
IVF Treatment

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