Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi - Dr. Rhythm Gupta

Male Infertility Treatment

Male Infertility Management


It depends on the underlying cause.

  1. Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism: Problems of low central hormonal stimulation (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) is correctable with hormonal injections. These injections are gonadotropins to be taken 2-3 times a week. usually after 6 months of treatment men can conceive naturally
  2. Mild low sperm count may benefit with intrauterine insemination: It involves washing the semen to concentrate the most motile sperms in a small volume of sample and placing it in uterus close to the egg in tube.
  3. Moderate to severe would need IVF/ICSI ( test tube baby) IVF: Involves placing washed semen sample in the same dish with retrieved egg from female partner and observing in incubators in growth supporting media.
  4. Men with obstructive or non-obstructive azoospermia (zero sperm count) benefit with sperm retrieval techniques and freezing them simultaneously to be used later for assisted reproductive techniques. (ICSI)
  5. Microsurgical procedures are also available for varicocele, obstruction of ductal system and reversal of vasectomy.

Sperm Retrieval Techniques

Surgical sperm retrieval

These techniques aims to retrieve the sperms either directly from the testicle which is the site of sperm production or the initial part of the duct call epididymis before the site of blockage.

The modern surgical sperm retrieval techniques include:

MESA: Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration. This is an open surgical procedure and may be done under a general anesthesia for sperm retrieval done to locate the tubules of the epididymis precisely, with the use of an operating microscopy. With this procedure large numbers of sperm can be extracted.

TESA: Testicular sperm aspiration is a outpatient procedure done under a local anesthesia. This procedure involves extracting the fluids from inside the testicles using a needle attached to a syringe through the skin of the scrotum.

PESA: Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration is a process that involves extracting the fluids from inside the testicles using a needle attached to a syringe placed directly into the epididymis.

TESE: Testicular sperm extraction. TESE is an outpatient minor procedure done under a local anesthesia. This procedure involves the extraction of sperms from the testes. TESE is recommended as an advanced option when other methods fail as this yields a bigger piece of testicular tissue for sperm extraction and helps to confirm that sperm production is occurring which could be patchy. These sperms can also be preserved & frozen for the treatment.

Micro TESA:Patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) are advised to undergo a Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction (MicroTESE)for precise retrieval of the sperms.In NOA patients, the sperm might be present but not in all parts of the testes. Hence multiple sampling of the testicular tissues is done to increase the probability of finding the sperm and to increase the success rate of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure. This technique of sperm retrieval maximizes the yield of sperms and minimizes the amount of testicular tissue required. It also reduces the vascular injury caused by making the identification of blood vessels easier.

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