Myths about IVF | IVF Clinic in Shalimar Bagh | Dr Rhythm Gupta

Top 10 Myths about IVF

Myths about IVF

Top 10 Myths about IVF

Myths about IVF

Dealing with infertility can be tough. With the advancement in the medical field, there are many treatment options available now a days to get pregnant. IVF is one of the most popular fertility treatments available. The improper understanding of IVF has led to some misconceptions among people.


Myths about IVF 1: IVF is the only plausible solution that solves all the infertility issues.

Fact: IVF is definitely not the only solution for all the infertility conditions. We, at Excel IVF, understand each and every patient is different. We analyze the health conditions of the patient and the partner and accordingly draft a management protocol. Depending upon individual case, some couple may need only few tablets to aid egg formation, hormonal workup, and ultrasound monitoring, some would need Intrauterine insemination while others may need laparoscopy. However, for only a few with a severe male factor or tubal problems, IVF is the first and the only solution. It may be the last resort after all other methods have failed in other conditions.

Myths About IVF 2: IVF is the last treatment to opt for if nothing works.

Fact: Many believe they should go for IVF only if no other treatment works. However, it is definitely not true. IVF has to be considered as the first line of treatment in conditions like

  • Bilateral Blockage of Fallopian Tubes
  • Severe Male Infertility
  • Advanced Maternal Age


Myths About IVF 3: Only affluent people can opt for IVF.

Fact: It is true that IVF is expensive compared to other fertility treatments. The labIVF Treatment-Top 10 Myths about IVF equipments needed to make embryos and maintain its growth are costly. But one thing to be considered is that the cost of the treatment hasn’t significantly increased through the years. The cost of IVF is definitely less compared to that of other major surgeries in the medical industry like heart surgery or spinal surgery. Not many insurance companies cover the cost incurred for the IVF treatment. Make sure to consult with your insurance company before commencing the procedure.

We, at Excel IVF, understand the amount of money you spend on IVF procedure and offer to provide excellent care to all the patients. We deliver high pregnancy rates at the most reasonable prices compared to that of other fertility centres.


Myths About IVF 4: IVF cannot be used in the post-menopausal group.

Fact: IVF is the only technique that can help even elderly women to conceive. Due to ageing the egg reserve diminishes but the womb is usually healthy to carry pregnancy with donor eggs.


Myths About IVF 5: The chances of pregnancy with IVF is very low

Fact: The success rate of the IVF procedure is typically somewhere between 40-45% which is far greater than with natural or other infertility treatment per cycle (Intrauterine insemination 15-18%).The chances of pregnancy with IVF depends primarily upon the age of woman and factor causing infertility. Usually, women with tubal blockage, PCOS or using Donor eggs have better chance and may conceive in the first cycle itself. However women with advanced age, low egg number or quality, serve male factor infertility may need multiple attempts.

Myths About IVF 6: IVF is a time-consuming procedure and it definitely requires you to be hospitalized.

Fact: The IVF procedure calendar starts with onset of periods of the woman usually. It takes around 10-12 days of daily injections to form eggs with 2-3 ultrasounds at the clinic for monitoring and dose adjustments. Followed by a day care procedure of egg retrieval and embryo transfer after 3-5 days. Making total of 18-21 days. Overnight admission wouldn’t be required in the hospital.


Myth 7: IVF can be dangerous and results in multiple pregnancies.

Fact: IVF cannot result in multiple pregnancies when the number of embryos transferred is less. We, at Excel IVF, scrutinise the embryos quite well and transfer only 1 or 2 excellent embryos. By doing so, multiple pregnancies can be prevented.

Few believe IVF can result in malformations and birth defects in the babies. But that is definitely not true. It is almost the same as that of normally conceived pregnancies. Many believe that undergoing IVF treatment is not safe as well. Unusually few patients suffer from severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. We, at Excel IVF, carefully monitor the patients. With our careful monitoring, you can be assured that you wouldn’t end up having any side effects.

Myth 8: The surrogate mother is biologically related to the baby.

Fact: In the case of gestational surrogacy, the egg and the sperm are actually obtained from the incipient couple. Hence, the baby is definitely biologically related to the couple. The surrogate mother doesn’t affect the baby genetically. She would just carry the baby in her womb till delivery.


Myth 9: The success rates attained from fresh embryo transfer is more compared to that of frozen embryos.

Fact: Scientific research has actually proved otherwise. The hormonal levels are quite high in a few patients during the egg retrieval and this negatively affects the chances of getting pregnant when embryo transfer is done in the same cycle. The frozen embryos have proved to provide better success rates when done in subsequent cycles.


Myth 10: Clinics don’t matter when you go for IVF treatments.

Fact: Better success rates are associated with experienced doctors, embryologists and well-equipped lab maintaining strict quality control. The doctors should be capable of clearly communicating the details of the complete procedure. We have the most qualified doctors and embryologists. We have delivered excellent success rates You can rely on Excel IVF completely.


To understand more about the procedure, consult Dr. Rhythm Gupta, IVF specialist in Delhi. To book an appointment, call: +91-9868040808 or email:

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