Old-Age Pregnancy | IVF Specialist in Delhi | Dr Rhythm Gupta

IVF After 50 Years

Old-Age Pregnancy

IVF After 50 Years

If you are looking for IVF specialist in Delhi for old-age pregnancy you are at the right place.

Unhealthy lifestyle, fast-paced routine, varied priorities etc. have taken a toll on various aspects of health and life today. This has also affected the natural fertility to a great extent. This problem is quite prevalent in urban living, in particular. Thanks to the medical developments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF), infertility issues can be addressed efficiently today. They are not as grave a concern as they were a few years back.

But, is pregnancy possible after the age of 50? The answer is yes. IVF has made it possible for the older women to enjoy the bliss of pregnancy, even the ones over the age of 50 years. There is a growing number of older first-time mothers in tier 1 and 2 cities. Since the ovaries lose the strength to produce eggs in large number after menopause, IVF process mostly uses donor eggs for fertilization.

However, IVF treatment for women over 50 years is not a generally recommended  as a routine because of the reasons listed below:

  • The body loses strength with age and in absence of a strictly followed fitness regime, the process becomes faster. It is true that the uterus can still manage pregnancy at 50 years and above, but a weaker body may find it difficult to carry it for nine long months.
  • Pregnancy at such age can come with high chances of health problems such as diabetes and hypertension. These also lead to the growth restriction in the baby and risks of preterm delivery.
  • There are higher chances of cesarean section due to medical conditions complicating pregnancy and the inability of the fragile body to bear down during labor.
  • There are higher chances of post-delivery bleeding which could be life-threatening.
  • As the age increases, the immunity of the body gets weaker. It becomes more susceptible to several infections.
  • Additionally, parents who have already crossed the age of 50 years may not be able to provide their baby with required care and attention which are required to increase as the child grows up.

So there are possible challenges involved in old-age pregnancy. However, it does not mean women over 50 years have to lose their fervor pregnancy wishes to worries and possible health threats. IVF intends to help everyone achieve their parenthood dream, irrespective of their age. Moreover, the process uses healthy donor eggs which increase the likelihood of pregnancy. But it has to be an informed decision keeping the above points in mind. One thing that an older prospective mother would need to focus dedicatedly on is to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle so that her body is capable to welcome and bear the pregnancy for nine months. And under the careful guidance of fertility experts, they surely attain the maternal bliss with IVF.

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