Ovarian Rejuvenation
What is Ovarian Rejuvenation?
It is scientifically proven that a woman comes to this world with all the eggs available for conception in her reproductive life. When the egg cells in the ovaries turned down, menopause occurs. It leaves the egg reserves to diminish in quantity as well as quality. That is women have no more egg cells to produce eggs. However, women may have eggs inside their ovaries post menopause. But, most of these eggs are dormant and will just sit there and eventually dies, resulting in nothing. Ovarian rejuvenation is a newly initiated procedure which is proposed to re-awaken the egg maturation and development in the turning of those eggs into growing follicles and get released inside the ovary. It offers women a chance to conceive using their own eggs even after menopause.
Ovarian rejuvenation therapy is suggested and encouraged at situations like:
- When ultrasound fails to see a women’s egg follicles.
- When the woman’s body does not respond to the fertility medication which is administered by IVF.
Why Fertility decline with age?
Every woman is different and age cannot define fertility. However, in general, fertility decreases with time. In females, the reproductive potentials drop from 35 onwards and after 40, the chances for becoming pregnant naturally in any given month will be less than 10%. The reason for this declining fertility is mainly because of the declination of eggs. After menopause, the ovaries turn less responsible for the hormones responsible for activating ovulation. Some of the effects of aging on a women’s ovarian reserve are:
- The peak fertility years of a woman are in her 20s to mid-30s.
- There is a drop in the fertility level after 30 and an extremely steep drop after 35 years.
- In their peak fertility years, women have about 20% chance to get pregnant every month.
- Women above 40 only have 5% of chance to get pregnant in any given month
About 1% of women suffer from premature ovarian failure (POF). That is their ovaries stop functioning before they reach 40 - By the aging of a woman’s ovaries, it will become unable to produce the hormones that induce follicles to develop and reach a feasible stage.
How to evaluate a woman’s Eggs?
Pregnancy is based on women’s eggs and it can be evaluated through the following methods
- The quantity of a woman’s egg reserve can be tested with Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels
- Ultrasound can test the quantity of women’s egg reserve
- Except for IVF, which is egg retrieval and visual microscopic analysis in vitro, there is no other method to test the quality of woman’s eggs.
Process of Ovarian Rejuvenation
The techniques for ovarian rejuvenation are evolving on daily basis. Some ways of doing it are-
Ovarian rejuvenation through infusing stem cells into the ovarian artery. Scientists were aware of the ability of Stem cells in the presence of growth factors, to develop into any type of cell. This offers the possibility of stimulating stem cells within the ovaries in order to convert the egg cells. It will restore the egg-laying function of the ovaries.
Platelet Rich Plasma: Platelet-rich plasma is prepared from the blood sample of the woman itself and injected into the into her ovaries known as PRP therapy for ovarian rejuvenation. Several growth factors are released by the platelets in the plasma component. These growth factors stimulate wound healing by the formation of new skin, blood vessels, tissues, and new nerve endings. This wound healing and regenerative capacity of PRP is used in rejuvenation therapy to restore the function in ovaries and help to form new egg precursor cellsIt has shown positive results in few women in peri-menopausal age and has helped them to conceive using their own eggs.
One way through which Ovarian rejuvenation is achieved is Ovarian Fragmentation for Follicular Activation (OFFA). Here, the aging process is allowed to be reverse a little and the dormant follicles are activated which go on to become feasible eggs.
Perfect Candidates for Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy
- Women who are in their advanced maternal years
- Women who are typically younger than 40 years and are suffering from Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI).
- Women who are subjected to low ovarian reserve and those who have low Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels (a hormone secreted by cells in developing egg sags)
- Women who are suffered from unexplained infertility
- Because of poor embryo quality, women who are having multiple failed IVF treatments due to poor egg quantity and quality.
New hope to women
For all women who want to get pregnant with their own eggs, the phenomenal new medical technology ovarian rejuvenation therapy offers new hope. Though experimental still we offer this ovarian rejuvenation therapy to very selected patients and have seen good results with few. Since it is a specialized Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) used to influence a woman’s ovary into producing viable eggs and make possible a successful natural pregnancy, it is important to choose an authentic fertility clinic for your treatment. Excel IVF which is provided with advanced medical facilities and affordable IVF packages is different from other IVF centers. The expert team of Excel IVF always work to provide the best medical services to the infertile couples approaches them. The individual approach of the clinic gives you special care and attention.
For any Queries or assistance please call: +91-9868-040-808 or email: drrhythmgupta@gmail.com